Refer to bCourses page "Grading Breakdown" for grading details.
Project Groups
- We recommend that project groups are 2-3 people. Other group sizes may be allowed depending on instructor discretion.
- We expect all group members to contribute fairly to the project.
- For any group and project issues, it is always better to reach out to the instructors early. (Please do not hesitate to email us!)
Ideas and Concept
- Please refer to slides from week 1 and 3 for inspiration and ideas!
- Pick at least 3 categories to include in your project:
- Compute:
Microcontroller, FPGA, discrete computation - Power:
Switching regulator, LDOs, battery management - Sensing:
Digital (e.g. I2C, SPI), resistance, current, voltage, HID
(ex. a digital accelerometer, or analog temperature sensor that ouputs a voltage etc. HID are human-interface devices like buttons, touchscreens, touch buttons, mics etc.) - Actuation:
Motors, servos, solenoids, lights, screens, sound, radio - Other:
Multiple boards, purposeful mechanical design, analog processing, ...
- Compute:
- Please ask if you have questions about your project’s scope. Lists are not exhaustive
- A note on plagiarism: Egregious copying of a schematic and/or layout is not acceptable.
- One example of egregiously copying would be simply duplicating an open-source KiCad (or other PCB ECAD) project avaliable online and moving/relabeling components.
- If you are using an online project as inspiration, please include a reference to it.
- When in doubt, ask the instructors!
Design Reviews
- Get your design peer reviewed
- Component choices, schematic readability, layout design, etc.
- Each project group will get about 5 minutes presenting
- 2 minutes for questions
- Obviously incomplete layouts will not be considered
- Use suggestions and criticisms to improve your project design before final submission
- A couple of slides to facilitate presentation (optional)
Key Dates and Deadlines
Deliverables are due Fridays 23:59 on bCourses at the following dates:
Note that dates are the same for both Tuesday and Thursday sections
- 2/23: Groups due
- 3/3: Proposals due
- 3/4: Proposal review
- 3/17 - 3/24: Draft schematic and layout due for review
- 4/4-4/5: Design review during class (see design review guidelines above)
- 4/7 Layout Due
- 4/17 11:59PM PDT: PCB files must be submitted to instructors in order for boards to be made on time.
- Week 13: Pick-up boards and assemble
- RRR week: Project presentations